Michigan’s Use of Marijuana Oil
Have you hear of CBD oil?
It is oil-based marijuana products, used by many for medical purposes. CBD oil does not give the user the same “high” feeling which is commonly associated with smoking pot.
The Detroit Free Press is reporting via the AP that Michigan state regulators announced yesterday that Michigan’s oil-based marijuana products will now be covered by medical marijuana laws.
Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs declared that Michigan’s state law does allow for the sale of these oils to medical marijuana patients. There is one catch however, the oil must be marijuana based and not derived from hemp.
Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs department spokesman David Harns was quoted in the article stating:
We received lots of questions about if CBD was going to be regulated along with marijuana and how hemp plays into that…Now is the right time to send out an advisory bulletin.
Proponents of CBD oil say it can help people with seizures, especially related to epilepsy.
Arianna Welsh, co-owner of a business in eastern Michigan selling hemp-based oil was quoted in the article stating:
It would definitely have an impact on a lot of people that are finding a safe way to get that relief…Relief from pain, inflammation, anxiety and sleep issues are the most common reasons.
Interestingly I found an article in the Detroit News also written by the AP which reported that a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology found that:
Nearly half of U.S. cancer doctors who responded to a survey say they’ve recently recommended medical marijuana to patients, although most say they don’t know enough about medicinal use.
The problem doctors say is that there have been no rigorous studies in cancer patients. Because of that doctors make assumptions from other research on similar prescription drugs, or in other types of patients.
In that study they found that approximately “eight in 10 cancer doctors reported having discussed marijuana with patients or their families, with 46 percent recommending it for pain and other cancer-related problems to at least one patient in the past year”.
Among those doctors who said they recommended marijuana, 56% said they did not have sufficient knowledge to do so.
So my question to them is why are you recommending marijuana use for medical purposes?
How many other “treatments” are you recommending that you do not have “sufficient knowledge” about?
Your guess is as good as mine, could it be political.
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