Roofsit 2014 – Thank You! New Final Total is $47,000!
We had great weather - we had bad weather. Nothing we haven't seen before. Thanks to you, we persevered and made our 2014 Roofsit goal in the last hour! And after counting change and donations after the broadcast our new total is $47,000!
Big donations, like Panera Bread's $5,000 gift, down to gifts of pocket change made it happen!
Roy and I, along with Tim Collins and the rest of our BC Radio staff did the best we could and with some fine work by the Haven staff and the hundreds of volunteers, we got this important project done.
It was warm and humid all weekend, and on Saturday we had to come down from the roof and finish our fund-raising event because of lightning and heavy rain. But we hit this year's Roofsit goal - and ended up at $45,445! Thanks to the generous contributions of the Calhoun County community and a hard working "Bucket Brigade" crew who braved the elements all weekend, WE MADE IT!
Now, how the heck did the Weekend B-Man get in that shot? :)
A sincere thank you to all who helped make this possible including the Haven of Rest staff, the volunteers and all of our radio personnel from WBXX and WBCK
More details and stories from Roofsit 2014 coming in the days ahead...