
Another Michigan Coal Plant Bites the Dust
Another Michigan Coal Plant Bites the Dust
Another Michigan Coal Plant Bites the Dust
A coal plant in Delta Township, west of Lansing, will be shut down by 2025. The coal burning plant, Erickson, is owned by Lansing Board of Water and Light.  The BWL is a municipally owned utility, providing drinking water, electricity, steam and related services to the Greater Lansing area. ...
Coal or Solar Power
Coal or Solar Power
Coal or Solar Power
Did you know how many acres of land it takes to produce 1 megawatt of electricity using solar panels? According to the Michigan Capitol Confidential, it takes 7.6 acres of land to produce 1 megawatt of electricity. Did you know how many acres of land it takes to produce 1 megawatt of electricity using coal...
How Many Wind Turbines Does it Take to Replace a Coal Plant?
How Many Wind Turbines Does it Take to Replace a Coal Plant?
How Many Wind Turbines Does it Take to Replace a Coal Plant?
As many of you might already know the Presque Isle Power Plant in the Upper Peninsula is to be shut down by 2020. The plant is being shut down due to age and regulator standards. The plant is supposed to be replace by two natural gas plants but the Sierra Club of Michigan would like the coal plant replace with what they call clean renewable energy like wind or solar...
Wind Energy Powered By Gas
Wind Energy Powered By Gas
Wind Energy Powered By Gas
Wow!  I just learned something very interesting, something you all should know. Did you know that “renewable” wind energy is created using 65% natural gas? Energy created by these winds farms is not 100% renewable, not even 50% renewable...