What many people may not know about the Kalamazoo/Portage area is the fact that we were on our way to becoming the Mall capital of Michigan. During the 80’s Kalamazoo had a minimum of 4 malls. Today, there is only one. Is the Crossroads Mall going to be the exception, or will it too join these abandoned and demolished malls of Kalamazoo’s past?
While the day and age of buying almost everything online was yet to come, Crossroads Mall gave people from the surrounding townships a place to shop and entertain. Recently, the Mall has been repurchased by a company based in New York, which leaves me with the question of: What will happen to the Crossroads Mall?
The term "troubled retailer" seems redundant. With exception of a few like Target, and any online store, it seems like all retailers are to some degree troubled.
Their international cast of circus artists dazzle the audience over a 35,000 gallon water stage. This non-animal circus is based in Indiana but from September 23rd to the 25th, they'll be setting up the big top in Southwest Michigan
You also have the option of having a live stream with a Black Santa and Mrs. Claus as well, while also providing services to children of special needs or in need of sign language