
Coal or Solar Power
Coal or Solar Power
Coal or Solar Power
Did you know how many acres of land it takes to produce 1 megawatt of electricity using solar panels? According to the Michigan Capitol Confidential, it takes 7.6 acres of land to produce 1 megawatt of electricity. Did you know how many acres of land it takes to produce 1 megawatt of electricity using coal...
Sewing Jobs 3,380 Solar 2,100
Sewing Jobs 3,380 Solar 2,100
Sewing Jobs 3,380 Solar 2,100
Now this is just precious. We hear about all the renewable energy jobs created in Michigan and across the country but did you know there are more sewing machine operators in Michigan than people working for the solar industry. Thanks to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy’s news site Michigan Capitol Confidential we now know...