Residents of South Haven, Michigan are currently embroiled in a debate regarding the status of short term vacation rentals within the lakeside community.
Even as Governor Gretchen Whitmer's budget ax looms over its mere existence, the people behind state's Pure Michigan campaign are touting robust results from the past year's efforts.
Long before the current and very successful Pure Michigan tourism advertising campaign, Michigan touted its tourism opportunities with other campaigns you might remember.
Birthright Citizenship is defined as "A legal right to citizenship for all children born in a country’s territory, regardless of parentage."
Is it time to end it in the United States?
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Attracting recreational and business visitors to Calhoun County is a continuous job, and Kimber Thompson, director of marketing at the Calhoun County Convention and Visitors Bureau tells The Richard Piet Show on WBCK about some of the ways they do it...