There’s Still Time to Sign Up for Battle Creek’s Citizens Police Academy
If you live in the City of Battle Creek or Bedford Township and want to learn all about your police department, there's probably not better way than joining the Citizens Police Academy. But you need to sign up soon.
The goal of the academy is to develop a positive relationship between the police department and community through education that addresses misconceptions about police. Staff hope to send a number of well-informed citizens back to the community to share what they learn. This also is an opportunity for neighbors to offer comments and ideas about policing solutions in the community.
Participants must live in the City of Battle Creek or Bedford Township or be a business owner in these areas, and be at least 18 years old. The academy is 10 weeks, from March 6 to May 15, with classes from 6-9 p.m. on Wednesdays, and two Saturday classes, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on April 13 and May 11.
Participants will learn about a variety of BCPD units and issues, including the hiring process, community engagement, defensive tactics, accident reconstruction, the Bomb Squad, Internal Affairs, the Crime Lab, and more.
There are 25 spots available in this academy, and the deadline to apply is Feb. 1. The Chief of Police will choose the participants. There is no cost to participate.
Apply online here. For additional information, click here.
Or you can contact Jenny Mualhlun at 269-966-1678 or