Top 4 Ways Technology Helps Business Security
If you are a business owner with a brick-and-mortar location, concerns about security may cross your mind from time to time (or always!). Once you look into it, you can find the many new, innovative security options which are largely thanks to continually emerging technology.
David Hood at EPS Security tells WBCK technology has made security easier and more responsive than ever.
Video Surveillance
Varying levels of video monitoring are available now, allowing a business owner or manager the ability to use surveillance inside and/or outside their business. With digital storage and remote smartphone access, video surveillance has become very easy.
Managed Access Control
Key-card access to buildings is not new technology, but its evolution has made it easier - like with the use of access cards or key fobs which need only be in proximity to the door to allow it to open. There is even technology that allows a business owner or manager to make an employee's building access temporary.
Intrusion Alarm and Remote Services
Glass break detection and door sensor technology allows a person to be alerted immediately on their smartphone when a burglar alarm has been sounded at your business. Remote technology allows that alarm to be silenced or reset from a distant location using a smartphone.
Fire Alarm and Voice Activation
If you have a large business, a fire or tornado warning might result in an evacuation. But, technology has allowed such alarms to be smarter - with special messages depending on the situation. Those messages can be broadcast within your facility, and can even be louder or softer depending on the environment.
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