Virtual 100th Birthday Celebration For Calhoun County WWII Veteran
You're invited to help celebrate a true hero's 100th birthday.
This Saturday will mark the 100th year United States Army Air Forces WWII Pilot, Veteran and Dr. Frank Lanuti has walked the earth. Can you imagine the things he's seen in his long accomplished life? If the last 12 months have taught us anything it is not to take another day for granted.
Calhoun County Red White and Blue Foundation is organizing a virtual celebration to ensure this hero gets the kind of birthday he deserves.
The post to social media reads as follows:
Please join us this Saturday to celebrate one of Calhoun County's true heroes United States Army Air Forces WWII Pilot and Veteran Dr. Frank Lanuti for his 100th Birthday!!
Make a sign to hold up into the camera or send messages on the call to Dr. Lanuti. Program will start at 2:00pm.
The Calhoun County Red White Blue Foundation is inviting you to a very special Zoom event.
Topic: United States Army Air Forces WII Veteran, Dr. Frank Lanuti's 100th Birthday
Time: Jan 23, 2021 01:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Master of Ceremonies - United States Air Force Colonel Frank Walker, Speakers: Dave Morgan (Director) and Brian Wensauer (Treasurer) - Calhoun County Red White Blue Foundation, Featured Speaker - United States Army General Robert Secrist.Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here
Meeting ID: 854 9228 5328
Passcode: 156906
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Meeting ID: 854 9228 5328
Passcode: 156906

LOOK: 100 years of American military history
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