What Income Percentile Is Your Household In?
We keep hearing about the top 1% of income households in America.
Well how much do those household bring in each year in income?
You just might be surprised.
What percentile are you in, well here is the numbers derived from Whatsmypercent.com, If your annual household income in 2015 was:
$25,000 You are in the top 40% of households in America
$30,000 You are in the top 33% of households in America
$35,000 You are in the top 27% of households in America
$40,000 You are in the top 22% of households in America
$45,000 You are in the top 18% of households in America
$50,000 You are in the top 15% of households in America
$55,000 You are in the top 13% of households in America
$60,000 You are in the top 12% of households in America
$65,000 You are in the top 10% of households in America
$70,000 You are in the top 09% of households in America
$75,000 You are in the top 07% of households in America
$80,000 You are in the top 06% of households in America
$90,000 You are in the top 05% of households in America
$100,000 You are in the top 04% of households in America
$110,000 You are in the top 03% of households in America
$150,000 You are in the top 02% of households in America
$200,000 You are in the top 01% of households in America
I bet your household income is in a higher bracket than you thought.