‘Wine Not’ Saturday: 3 Tips To Enjoy Wine (More)
It's that time again! Our indoor winter wine festival Wine Not kicks off Saturday, January 28, 2017 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in downtown Kalamazoo. Our third year, it's also the third time Wine Not! has sold out!
We spoke on the WBCK morning show with our good friend Terry "the Wine Guru" Stingley about how to take full advantage of opportunities to taste wine - even if you are not sure what to try. And if you are, he recommends remembering to keep an open mind about trying new wines.
Gateway to the Reds
So often, many of us start out with sweet, white wines - and then feel intimidated about trying something else. Will we like it? What if we don't?
"Intimidation is the big down side about the entire wine trade," Terry said. "There is a mystique about wine...but it...lends to the adventure of our time here on Earth. There's a reason it's so popular," he said.
Terry's tip: If you're interested in trying reds, but have been in your "sweet whites" safe zone, try Pinot Noir. He calls it the gateway to the reds. He recommends trying fruitier reds first, in order to help transition from the sweeter whites you are used to.
Don't Get Stuck
Many of us, then, find something we like and stay there. Nothing wrong with enjoying your favorite wines, except there are others you may love also!
Terry's tip: Open your mind, push your comfort zone once in a while and try something new!
The Nose Knows
The aroma of wine is about 80 percent of the experience you have with it, Terry says. So, Terry's tip: Take your time, take in the aroma before you sip.
Click the player below to hear why Terry things Michigan wines are great, and how Michigan has mirrored California's wine popularity in the 1970's
Hear The Richard Piet Show weekday mornings from 5:30-9 a.m. on WBCK.