Easter Drive-In Service In Coldwater Draws Huge Numbers
An unusual Easter service drew a huge response in Coldwater. But how can you keep with the social distancing requirements we all face, and hold a big church service? You secure a local drive-in theater for the venue and those in attendance stay in their vehicles. The Branch County Ministerial Association staged the event. Leaders of about a dozen places of worship in the county joined together to present the event at the Capri Drive-In Theater on the west side of Coldwater.
One of the presenting pastors is Jim Erwin with the Bethel Gilead Community Church in Bronson. Pastor Irwin tells us they used a large sound system and a live broadcast on Facebook to get the Easter presentation out as many as 1,000 attending in about 400 vehicles.
The pastors and supporting musicians were on top of the drive in’s snack bar. There was a lot of horn honking during the event as people used their vehicle horns instead of clapping.
Especially when they were presented with a passage from the Psalms referencing the horns of the righteous. Pastor Irwin says he’s glad the event logistics were approved in advance by local law enforcement and health leaders. A couple of local law enforcement units were even on hand to assist with traffic control.
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