FireKeepers Casino Hotel is taking steps to prevent food waste and provide for those in need. According to a press release from FireKeepers on Monday, they have entered into a partnership with My Green Michigan, a food scrap management program, “in an effort to lessen the impact of food waste and increase sustainability for future generations.”

FireKeepers will be collecting food scraps from each of its eight restaurants. My Green Michigan will take the scraps for compost, creating high quality nutrient rich soil.

With the new partnership, FireKeepers is on track to recycle rather than landfill more than 250,000 pounds of organic food waste this year. In the future, FireKeepers plans to get back that same compost for use at FireKeepers Fire Hub greenhouse and garden, located on the Pine Creek Indian Reservation.

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The new partnership isn’t the only idea FireKeepers has in place for food waste. Their food reclamation program takes advantage of food from their restaurants and banquet events that has been prepared and not served. The food is blast chilled, repackaged and distributed to those in need in the community.

FireKeepers also works with area food banks to prevent waste through the Fresh Food Initiative(FFI). At FFI events, fresh produce is distributed to neighbors in need.

“We continue to review ways to improve the world we live in, repurposing usable products for various needs, such as the South Michigan Food Bank, to watching our pre and post-consumer waste to not only decrease the quantity, but to also repurpose back into the earth as compost verse landfills,” stated FireKeepers VP of Food and Beverage Michael Hamilton. “Following the examples of our owners, in looking out for the next seven generations.”

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