Is This A Fish Story; 350 Pounds?
If a friend of yours told you they went fishing in Florida and caught a 350 pound grouper fish would you think they were pulling your lure?
Most probably would think he or she was telling you a fish tale. Well according to a post shared by the Florida fish and wildlife conservation commission this is not fish tale. According to the commission the:
grouper was caught by hook-and-line on December 29th 2019, off Southwest Florida in ~600 ft of water. Biologists from FWRI’s Age & Growth Lab estimated the age of this fish at 50 years old
50 years old? From what I can tell from my research that is about the upper limit of the age range for these fish.
Here is the proof:
That must have been quite a bit of work reeling in that one.
What is the biggest fish you have ever caught? Mine was a 300 plus pound Bluefin tuna off the coast of North Carolina.
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