The Electric Vehicle movement - "EV" for short - is starting to take over the country. Technology continues to get better every year, and now most electric vehicles have the ability to travel several hundred miles on one charge. But there's still one challenge yet to be fully tackled in the EV universe, and that's ease in finding the next charging station on a long trip.

The infrastructure is still being built, step by step, but now fuel-stop mogul Citgo, is taking a step forward in the initiative, and installing an EV Charging market pilot program in Battle Creek.

The majority of the major vehicle production companies - Ford, GM, Dodge, etc. - are adding more EV and hybrid vehicles every year to their catalog. And with all of those companies primarily based in Michigan, it makes sense that the first-of-its-kind EV Charging Market should be within driving distance of their headquarters.

Enter, Battle Creek, which is just shy of two hours outside of Detroit. So just far enough that an electric vehicle would use MOST of its charge, but not SO far that there would still be some charge left to get to another charge station if necessary.

Citgo Petroleum has decided they wanted to get in on the game, and has their first-ever Charging Market - or Electric Fuel Stop? - in Battle Creek. There's already a location on 11 Mile Road that has the EV Charging stations (as well as fuel pumps) with plugs for both types of electric vehicles, including Teslas.

Jim Linton is the president of Folk Fuel, who is partnering with Citgo in this initiative, said he's excited to work with Citgo on the project. Fingers crossed, he hopes they could expand to even more cities, and stations.

"We appreciate how Citgo is approaching the EV space in a way that ensures its marketers' success. Working together, we were able to pinpoint the best location to launch this program."

As part of the pilot program, Citgo is working with the station directly to install the EV Chargers. However, instead of charging them monthly rent for the chargers, this program will provide assistance up front, and give the marketer full ownership of the chargers.

So essentially, once they're installed, this Citgo Station owns the chargers for good.

This is still a very new arrangement, and unlike any other charger and fuel stop location in the country. But who knows, if it works out, and benefits both parties, you might start seeing a lot more of these around the country.

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