Judge, Rapist and Custody of a Child
I have been reporting since Monday about a Sanilac County Judge, Judge Gregory Ross, who ordered that the perpetrator of a sexual assault be given custody of a child born from the sexual assault.
Well we have an update to that story.
Sanilac County Probate Judge Gregory S. Ross who initially ruled on Sept. 22 that Christopher Mirasolo, 27, of Brown City be granted parental rights to an 8-year-old boy, who currently lives with his mother. The mother is now only 21 years old. Mr. Mirasolo was initially charged with sexual assault but was given a plea deal by the Sanilac County Prosecutor’s Office for attempted third-degree criminal sexual conduct.
He was sentenced to one year in county jail and was let out after 6 and half months. In March of 2010, Mr. Mirasolo committed another sex assault on a victim between the ages of 13 and 15 years old. According to the mother’s attorney he served only four years for that second offense.
According to the Detroit News Judge Ross yesterday stayed his ruling granting a convicted rapist joint custody rights to a child born of his sexual assault of a then 12-year-old girl and ordered a special hearing next week.
In another apparent twist Mlive is reporting that the Sanilac County Prosecutor's office is claiming that joint custody of the child born due to the “rape” was never given to the Mr. Mirasolo.
The Sanilac County Prosecutor James V. Young stated in a press release and quoted in the article that parenting time and visitation rights were in contention.
The order further awarded the mother sole physical custody of the minor child. The order is clear that, if the mother does not want the father to have visitation, she does not have to provide it.
It was also reported that if the 21-year-old mother and her attacker, 27-year-old Christopher Mirasolo, are not able to agree on parenting time, then the issue must be worked out through objections in court.
As a side note, this case began when the mother requested financial assistance from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services in July of this year.
According to the county the department then required the mother to pursue paternity of the child and from that paternity financial support for the child. To collect support the case was directed to the Sanilac County Prosecutor's Office to go after the father to pay back the state and mother.
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