Every time they dig up a skeleton in the Motor City, the question has to be asked.

Jimmy Hoffa was a Michigan labor leader, and one-time president of the Teamsters when he disappeared outside a suburban Detroit restaurant back in 1975. For 46 years now, stories have been passed around from people 'in the know' who know where he is buried. But none of those stories have ever panned out.

So, when people digging to build things in Detroit stumble across human remains, the question has to be asked: is it possible that it's the body of Jimmy Hoffa?

And the answer more times than not is a resounding NO!

As it was this weekend when crews working in downtown Detroit dug up a human skeleton with heavy machinery at Fort Street and Cass.

They instantly called 911.

"They unearthed what was human remains, skeletal remains," Detroit Police spokesman Rudy Harper told WWJ Newsradio 950. "Homicide responded and they confirmed that the bones were human."

The remains were identified as a male, which begged the question about Hoffa.

"I can confirm that these are not Hoffa's remains; so let's make that very clear," Harper said. "They don't want to divulge too much information at this time to interfere with the investigation, but I'm told without a doubt this is not Hoffa...but the remains are a male."

Detroit Police are on the scene investigating, and they said the construction crew is moving very carefully around the site, as the skeleton they located was headless, so obviously there may be more remains in the ground.

Investigators say they are working to identify the body and the cause of death, which remains suspicious.


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