On top of the added moisture we have received the last two weekends, there is one insect in particular that has made its home on several trees during the same time.
Over the past week, it was great (for some) to see rain make it's way through the area and the State of Michigan. It definitely was not enough to get us out of the drought which continues to become a problem for gardeners and landscapers looking to keep everything looking nice.
This may be the sight outside of your windows this weekend. It happens around this time every year if you have or a neighbor to maples and other trees. This year, though, it is much more prevalent.
It has become a common theme over the last three weeks that the lack of precipitation for our area is starting show on many plants and tree do to drought stress.
Unseasonably cooler temperatures for the month of May offers another challenge for cold-crop growers in Michigan. On top of that, drought conditions and the lack of precipitation on the way over the next week will reinforce the need to water.
As we reach the closing days of April, this year's planting and growing season has been another test of patience. With oncoming colder weather this week, patience will be tested again.