Today Renk Interviews Father of Orlando Islamic Terrorist Victim
Mark Bando's son was murdered in the Orlando Pulse Nightclub radical Islamic terrorist attack.
I will be interviewing Mark Bando today in the beginning of my show at 9:08 am. Please tune in to hear Mark discuss the radical Islamist terrorist attack last Sunday at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida which took his son.
I will ask Mark his thoughts about his son, his thoughts on the radical Islamic terrorist attack in which his son was murdered and the nation’s response (from political leaders to the general public) to this savage radical Islamic terrorist attack.
Mark is 32 year old Chris Leinonen’s father, Chris was murdered by the radical Islamic terrorist animal. Both the mother and father of Chris are former police officers from Detroit.
Mark Bando was a Detroit police officer for 25 years. He said that if he had been in the Orlando Club the other night, the story would have been very different, because, like many Americans, he has a concealed pistol license and carries a gun. Bando said he would have thought that there would be at least two or three people in the club that were armed, but sadly that’s not what happened. Bando said, “I think in that nightclub the other night, when the shooting started, there wasn’t one person in there that wouldn’t have traded everything they owned in the world to have a loaded gun."
The Live with Renk Show airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon. To let me know your thoughts during the show please call (269) 441-9595.
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