University Of Virginia Ends Veterans Day 21 Gun Salute; Why?
This is another example of how far the liberals are infecting the mind of young adults on college campuses across the country. For years we have known that our college campuses are infected with an extremist liberal mindset among their professors and administration and that infection has now metastasized even further into their student population.
To the dismay of veterans across the country and those buried in cemeteries in France, the University of Virginia announced last week that they were ending their annual 21-gun salute as part of their Veterans Day ceremony.
Why you are probably asking; well of course because after more than a decade of student’s not facing trauma from the noise of the big bad guns NOW they say the students fear the noise.
Yes you read that correctly, the school has ended their 21-gun salute because they fear that the noise of the guns might cause trauma in their snowflake student population.
The 21-gun salute comes at the end of a 24 hour vigil from ROTC cadets that occurs every year at the university.
The University of Virginia President Jim Ryan told NBC 29”
One [reason for ending it is] that it would be disruptive to classes and two unfortunately with gun violence in the U.S., there was some concern that we would cause a panic if someone heard gunshots on grounds
A veteran by the name of Jay Levine told NBC 29:
I am very disillusioned, very upset, and very surprised that they would make such a decision…Freedom isn’t free. There’s a cost and that cost is born by the veterans and the families of those veterans.
Do you agree with Brit Hume when he stated “What pantywaist”?
Hopefully these adults and students are just a very vocal minority and the majority still act like adults.