There are about to be some major highway construction projects that are going to be taking place everywhere from Battle Creek to Schoolcraft and all the way down to Three Rivers. We recently heard of the giant 4-year project to update the roads on I-94 which will affect areas of Calhoun County from Helmer Road to "F" Drive North. That won't be the only thing slowing drivers down over the next few years as another project has been announced, this time it will be a massive 2-year project repairing a thirteen mile stretch of US 131 which will affect Schoolcraft all the way down to Three Rivers, starting in 2023.

In a post made on Facebook, they detail which areas will be updated and when drivers can expect to see construction vehicles on site, according to MDOT:

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The road’s surface will be rebuilt, including some utility work. A left turn light will be added at the Lyons Street signal. The Eliza Street signal will be upgraded and will include a pedestrian crossing. Many adjustments are planned for the miles of highway outside the village limits.

What can also be expected along the route is a series of additions made, including more Michigan U-turns, which they plan to install, highlighting that the Michigan left located on Shaver Rd & U Ave. will be signalized, as this intersection has been troublesome for the local residents.

Luckily these two projects will be taking place far enough from each other that drivers shouldn't have to deal with both projects in one drive, but these will be two of the major construction zones to be aware of so alternate routes can be planned ahead of time.

Gilmore Car Museum Winter Wonderland 2021, just outside Kalamazoo, Michigan

The first ever Winter Wonderland at the Gilmore Car Museum, near Kalamazoo, in Hickory Corners, Michigan, is a drive-thru and walk-through nighttime holiday lights experience on the Gilmore Car Museum 90-acre campus. Christmas 2021, Holidays 2021

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