Wendy's is one of the biggest fast-food chains in the country, but anyone born in the late '90s and up may not remember that the fast-food chain's major icon wasn't a cartoon character, but the founder of the company Dave Thomas. Dave would often appear in television commercials with a light-hearted comedic approach, looking to add personality to the brand. His passing at 69 in 2002 meant the world would no longer get to know him as the face of Wendy's. But there are some interesting things about the man that I only recently discovered.

One of the main things is that Dave Thomas as an infant and toddler once lived in Kalamazoo, according to a biography documenting his early life. It states his beginnings as an orphan and how he eventually made his way to Southwest Michigan:

Born on July 2, 1932, to a single mother, R. David "Dave" Thomas was adopted as a six-week-old baby by Rex and Auleva Thomas of Kalamazoo, Michigan. The family unit was short-lived, as his adoptive mother died of rheumatic fever when Thomas was five years old. Travel became a big part of his life as his adoptive father moved from town to town looking for work. Among the few constants in his early life were the summers he spent with his grandmother, Minnie Sinclair, on her small farm in Michigan.

It's important to note too that the first Wendy's ever opened up in Columbus, Ohio, so he was able to stay somewhat close to his first home.

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