Bizon: Medicaid Costs Key in Appropriations
Rep. Dr. John Bizon (R-Battle Creek), now settled into a second term in Michigan's 62nd District which includes Battle Creek, is also a member of the House Appropriations Committee. Bizon tells 95.3 WBCK Medicaid costs - $20 billion of a total budget of approximately $50 billion budget - are a huge cost, and the committee is focused on studying it.
The situation, Bizon said, is complicated by potential federal revisions to the Affordable Care Act, which could affect the outcome of the budget.
Bizon also voted in favor of a bill this week targeting an income tax rollback in Michigan. House Bill 4001 was ultimately voted down this week 52-55 in a late night session. Bizon voted in favor of it; west Michigan Representative Dave Maturen (R-Brady Township) voted against it.
Hear both discuss that and other issues in the videos below of their recent WBCK visits.
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