Elementary School, Trump and a Tombstone
Today on my show someone and called in and spoke about what he thought was the fact that public schools attempt to brainwash our children in their extreme liberal ways.
I am sure there were 1000’s of people who believed he was a conspiracy theorist. I have given almost weekly examples of how far out these teachers are when it comes to their politics and intelligence. I could probably give them daily if I choose to do so.
Well here is another perfect example.
CBS News is reporting about an elementary school in Gloucester Massachusetts which had a Parent/Teacher Halloween school party. Sounds great so far, I just spoke a week ago about an elementary school that canceled their Halloween costume parade.
This is where it goes bad, horribly bad.
Apparently one of the extreme lefty parents thought it would be a great idea to bring a bean bag toss game that included fake tombstones. One of those tombstone had the name “Don Trump”
This “parent” and the “teachers” present apparently thought this was a great idea because they did set it up for the fifth graders to play with.
Great, upstanding people, right. I told you that Democrats care about people, they just do not talk about caring they actually perform acts of caring like putting our President’s name on a tombstone.
Actually adults, and I am not talking about the teachers present, who were offended by the tombstone sent pictures to Massachusetts Republican Party committeewoman Amanda Orlando Kesterson.
Ms. Kesterson told WBZ News Radio:
Politics does not belong in an elementary school–any politics, but it’s particularly egregious to be putting the name of the sitting US president on a tombstone.
The Principal of the elementary schoolDr. Telena Imel apologized in a letter to parents, stating:
Intentionally or not, it inappropriately brought a political agenda into what was designed to be a fun family affair. Our school, and this includes school events sponsored by related groups, is not the place for politics. In planning future events, it will be made clear to organizers that school is not the place to engage in or to display political agendas or opinions.
Great you apologized, but did you notice not to President Trump. I expect some parents to be violent and aggressive Neanderthal’s but not the teachers. The teachers present at the party should not be allowed to be by children, can you image what filth they put in the children’s mind when real adults are not around?
I have not heard of any punishment that will be handed down to those teachers who allowed this game to be set up and played by the fifth graders?