WARNING: This video is so beautifully shot and the music is so perfect it may make you cry as you recall long summer days of your youth spent up north.

A love letter to the Michigan we call Up North.This beautiful video is very well crafted, it will make you recall the summer days of your youth and how precious they were and you never even knew it. I'm just glad I lived it well. And still do.

Produced by Practical Film Productions, who describes it this way:

After working in tourism and commercial advertising for clients both locally and around the country, the team from PRACTICAL now showcase an area on their own terms— home. The result is an anthem, and a uniquely personal film about growing up in Northern Michigan. The premiere of the film in September of 2018 sold out the Traverse City Opera House and featured the CHS Philharmonic Strings live-performing the score.
The production effort spanned over 2 years, included 80 shoot days, 35 different locations around Northern Michigan, and came forth from the contributions of over 100 local cast and crew. The Practical Team will forever cherish the relief and response that followed this film, and we want to say thank you to everyone you made this possible and powerful. This is for you.

Now go jump in a lake.


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