Flint Still Not Fixing Their Water System Issues
Yesterday I reported to my listening audience that the State of Michigan has a 'significant concern' with some of Flint's pipe replacements. Why, because Flint paid contractors to dig up 124 service lines that didn't need replacement this year alone. That left a 124 homes that could have had their pipes replaced still waiting to have their pipes replace, not to mention the wasted tax dollars by Mayor Karen Weaver.
Now Mlive is reporting that the city of Flint, their city council and Mayor Karen Weaver were all notified back in August of 2017 of:
15 recommendations for and deficiencies in the water system, including "significant deficiencies" in the water distribution system and its management and operations staff
The City of Flint and Mayor Karen Weaver have yet to correct those deficiencies. Now the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has informed Mayor Karen Weaver and the City of Flint they will receive a proposed administrative consent order and must agree on a schedule to fix these water issues they apparently have been dismissing.
Eric Oswald, director of the DEQ Drinking Water and Municipal Assistance Division, wrote in a May 31 letter to Mayor Karen Weaver:
The city has not resolved all of the identified deficiencies at this time…develop realistic dates the city can achieve to bring your drinking water system back into compliance…The MDEQ commits to assisting the city in resolving these issues; however the city is primarily responsible for the operation of its system in compliance with applicable laws.
We wonder why there were such big problems in the Flint water system, could a contributing factor be the city administration and the Mayor themselves.
The spokeswoman for the city, Kristin Moore, response was that many of the items on the list were:
items noted for improvement have been long standing in Flint's water system and were inherited by the current administration.
Oh so that means you can just dismiss them and not address these issues in a timely matter or at least contact Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality and discuss with them the time table in which to correct them? There would need to be some sort of prioritization of which issues should be corrected immediately and others addressed at a later date.
The city of Flint did not even bother addressing any of these issues with the State of Michigan, perhaps they were waiting for something to go wrong so they blame the state and collect more of our tax dollars.