Group Follows Through on Kellogg Protest
It didn't look like much, but a group protesting in the skies over Battle Creek during the Kellogg Company's Annual Shareholder's meeting did follow through. You had to look pretty close to see it, but a small plane circled the McCamly Plaza Hotel for two hours towing a banner that read, "Kelloggs: Stop Breaking Your Breakfast Promise."
The plane was commissioned by the Changing Markets Foundation, an organization that says Kellogg's has cut back on vitamins added to cereals sold in Mexico. Outside of the banner, there were no apparent protests of any kind in downtown Battle Creek. In fact, it looked like business as usual around the McCamly Plaza Hotel, where the company held their meeting.
Battle Creek Skyline- Plane Banner Protest of Kellogg-TSM Photo
Kellogg - Plane Banner Protest-TSM Photo