If It Is Not Bread What Is It Ireland?
Subway appears to be in a pickle, or are Subway pickles not real pickles either Ireland?
The AP is reporting that the country of Ireland’s Supreme Court has ruled that Subway’s bread is not really bread. At least not real bread in the eyes of the Government. Why did Ireland’s Supreme Court agree to hear and then rule on a case concerning Subway’s bread? It all has to do with money and taxes. The government's hand is in way too many aspects of people's lives.
Ireland categorizes some food items as “staple food” and if a food item is categorized as a "staple food" that food item is not hit with their value-added tax.
In their ruling the Supreme Court of Ireland stated:
“There is no dispute that the bread supplied by Subway in its heated sandwiches has a sugar content of 10% of the weight of the flour included in the dough, and thus exceeds the 2% specified”
Many of us thought the sugar police were only in the United States. Apparently, we were wrong or filled with too much sugar which made us think incorrectly and act in a manner not approved by the government.
In a statement Subway said:
“Subway’s bread is, of course, bread...We have been baking fresh bread in our restaurants for more than three decades and our guests return each day for sandwiches made on bread that smells as good as it tastes.”
To be or not to be bread, that is the question.
I have had Subway sandwiches and they taste great and the bread certainly tastes like bread to me. Perhaps I was on a sugar rush.
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