Interview About Jobs with State Senator Jim Stamas On Live with Renk
Please join me tomorrow (Friday) at 11:06 AM, State Senator Jim Stamas will be calling in to discuss the bills he is sponsoring to improve the job market in Michigan.
We will be discussing Senate Bills 242, 243 and 244, legislation that would use transparent incentives to fill critical gaps in Michigan’s business attraction toolkit and enable the state to secure large-scale projects that create hundreds of new good-paying jobs.
Under the Good Jobs for MI legislation, Senate Bills 242-244:
- Business expansions or new locations that create a minimum of 500 NEW jobs and pay wages at 100% or more of the regional average wage would be eligible to capture up to 50% of the personal income tax withholdings of the new employees for up to five years.
- Business expansions or new locations that create a minimum of 250 NEW jobs and pay wages at 125% or more of the regional average wage would be eligible to capture up to 100% of the personal income tax withholdings of the new employees for up to 10 years.
- There is a cap of 15 projects per year with a rolling cap of $250M for all projects.
The Live with Renk show airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts call (269) 441-9595