I can just imagine an aid running into the office of the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this morning and telling him we can all breathe a sigh of relief because the Kalamazoo City Commission voted down a proposal to support ending U.S. military aid to Israel.

Apparently the City of Kalamazoo is doing so well in all other areas of government and the city that they had the time to waste and debate such a resolution.

Congratulations to all of you that live in a city with no other problems.  Wait am I mistaken or do they not have a homeless problem there.  Silly me I must be wrong.

Bronson Park Tent City 9-11-2018-Photo by Tim Collins-TSM
Bronson Park Tent City 9-11-2018-Photo by Tim Collins-TSM
Submitted photo
Submitted photo

The defeated “proposal” was for a resolution that the city of Kalamazoo:

condemns Israel’s misuse of U.S. weapons to commit grave human rights abuses of Palestinians living under its 51-year military occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip…calls upon Members of Congress to end U.S. military aid to Israel and redirect that money to unmet community needs until Israel abides by international law, stops engaging in human rights abuses against Palestinians and ends the military occupation of Palestine

According to an article in MLive the vote was 2 -5 against the “proposal”.

  • The Commissioners who voted for the “proposal” were Don Cooney and Shannon Sykes Nehring
  • The Commissioners who voted against the “proposal” were: Mayor Bobby Hopewell, Vice Mayor Erin Knott, and Commissioners David Anderson, Eric Cunningham and Jack Urban

Interesting that there was no language condemning the Palestinians from using suicide bombers to kill innocent children, women, men, mothers and fathers.  I would ask the commissioners who voted for this ridiculous proposal where in “international law” does it permit such killing and terrorist acts?

How about the “human rights abuses” that these Palestinians are committing against their own people and the people of Israel as well as their visitors?  I would certainly call convincing people and in some cases children to become suicide bombers an abuse of human rights, wouldn’t you.

It must be nice to live in such a city of milk and honey in which they have nothing else concerning improving their city to debate that they waste their time and taxpayers money discussing this bias, bigoted and some might call racist proposal.

I wonder what the city would say if the country of Israel voted to condemn the way the city handled their homeless problem when it came to Bronson Park last year.

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