Michigan Congressman Kildee Concerned About Shiawassee Counties Use Of Rescue Plan Slush Fund Cash
I find this development in the Shiawassee County use of American Rescue Plan taxpayer borrowed cash hilarious. The Detroit Free Press is reporting that Congressman Dan Kildee, a Democrat whose district is just east of Shiawassee County stated:
"American Rescue Plan dollars were intended to help frontline workers and families impacted by the pandemic, not elected officials”
Really Rep. Kildee! If that is true why did you and all the other Democrat elected officials use this slush fund to top off private union pension funds to the tune of $86,000,000,000?
CNBC even reported the following:
“The $1.9 trillion Covid relief package passed by the Senate on Saturday offers $86 billion in funding to failing pension plans.
The American Rescue Plan, which now heads to the House, would let certain pensions apply for federal grant funding, which would be used to help pay retirement benefits to workers.”
Rep. Kildee, I believe you stated that the “American Rescue Plan dollars were intended to help frontline workers and families impacted by the pandemic”. Can you explain to us taxpayers why you and your fellow Democrats gave $86 billion dollars of our money to private Unions' pensions?
Since we taxpayers bailed out these private union pension plans I believe every person who pays federal income tax should be able to draw a pension from the private union pension funds we bailed out. Please send all of us Federal taxpayers the paperwork in which to do so.
Would you agree Rep. Kildee and if not please let us know why you do not?