Battle Creek may be the least expensive option for the proposed missile defense site for the East Coast, but not the preferred site. The Department of Defense said in a release, that Fort Drum in New York is the current preferred option.
Representative Fred Upton from St. Joseph announced he had sent a letter to Secretary of Defense James Mattis, urging the selection of the Fort Custer Training Center as the site of the potential Continental Interceptor Site. In the letter, Upton says Battle Creek is ideal because of its strategic location, and the ease with which Fort Custer could see the system installed.
President Trump's Secretary of Defense James Mattis was asked a question over the weekend by John Dickerson on CBS's "Face the Nation", his response just might be the quote of the year.
CBS “Face the Nation” host John Dickerson asked Secretary Mattis the following queston:
“What keeps you awake at night...
You are not going to believe this one — or maybe you can.
I just read an article from MLive that informed us that a southwest Michigan defense contractor was just given prison time for selling defective machine gun parts to the Department of Defense...