
US Postal Service in financial trouble
US Postal Service in financial trouble
US Postal Service in financial trouble
“Unsustainable deficits” is what the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report is calling the U.S. Postal Service financial problems. The Washington Free Beacon is reporting that the U.S. Postal Service racked up a net loss of $5...
Michigan Tax Dollars At Risk
Michigan Tax Dollars At Risk
Michigan Tax Dollars At Risk
I just read a great article by Justin Hinkley in the Lansing State Journal.  The article discusses a new report commissioned by Governor Snyder detailing what Michigan taxpayer funded programs are at most risk at not utilizing Michigan tax dollars efficiently...
Should The Voters Decide
Should The Voters Decide
Should The Voters Decide
Yesterday Michigan Republican State Representative Cindy Gamrat stated that she wants the voters to decide whether she should remain in office instead of being expelled by the House. Who do you think should decide, the voters or the House...
Great Lakes Safe For Now
Great Lakes Safe For Now
Great Lakes Safe For Now
Back in 1998 an entrepreneur wanted to extract water from Lake Superior and ship it to Asia via tanker ships.  Apparently the Ontario Ministry of the Environment approved that plan before people found out about it and were not happy about it...
Want Food Stamps? Just Call Them
Want Food Stamps? Just Call Them
Want Food Stamps? Just Call Them
Are you ready for this one? A report commissioned and written by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), asked the question if it is time to ditch the in-person interview for those who apply for food stamps via the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).  B...
We're All Criminals In MI
We're All Criminals In MI
We're All Criminals In MI
You are probably going to break the law today if you live in Michigan, and you will not even know it. I just read an article by Ingrid Jacques in the The Detroit News and apparently Michigan has so many laws on the book that our politicians have no idea what they are.  I...