On November 17, 2022 tornado sirens were reportedly sounding off in Portage, Michigan. Authorities report this was in error and there was no threat of tornado.
Born and raised in Tornado Alley, so here's some first-hand knowledge of things not as commonly known about living through Tornadoes, and things to prepare for.
On Friday Gaylord, Michigan was hit by an EF-3 tornado which packed damaging winds up to 140 miles per hour. If you're looking to help out, there are several ways you can do so.
The most terrifying experience of my life. I just watched a tornado tear through Hobby Lobby while i stood frozen in the isle. The screams. Watching the roof come off. The wind and the rain and the darkness crushed through the back of the store and I just stood there and watched because I had no idea how to take cover.
While Michigan happens to sit North enough to not always be in the direct path of “Tornado Alley”, we are no stranger to experiencing tornadoes. Perhaps the most dangerous thing about tornadoes is the fact that they can range in severity. Like earthquakes, tornadoes don’t have a constant size, wind speed, movement, etc. Meaning the amount of destruction to people's lives always varies.