Teacher Bullies Trump Supporting Students
More news of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), this time coming from Texas.
EAG News is reporting about a biology teacher at McNeil High School in Round Rock Texas spewing her TDS toward her students.
Parents of teenagers who attend that school told KHOU news that this “teacher” professed a hatred for the president and then went on to mock students who disagreed with her perspective.
One student’s mother told KHOU:
She said, ‘By the way, I hate Donald Trump with a burning passion and his is a complete douchebag’ to a class full of seniors in high school
This “teacher” then saw several of her students look at a particular student who in the past had voiced his support for our Presidents tax plan. The teacher then preceded to look toward those students and call them a:
bunch of Trumpies
She then proceeded to say:
Oh, it seems like I have a table full of Trumpies over there
During the rest of the class she referred to that teenager as “Trumpy” when she would say:
Hey, Trumpy, do you have an answer to this,’ or, ‘What do you think, Trumpy?’
Just more proof that the liberal ideologue has taken over our education system and in par with what they do, destroy it.
What is even worse she was not fired, the Round Rock school district only placed her on leave and launched an investigation. This investigation only came about because the parents filed a formal complaint. The “teacher” was reassigned to administrative duties. Which means she still is allowed to collect taxpayer dollars instead of being fired and losing her teaching certification.
That my friends is the school system protecting their own.
We must rid our schools of any teacher who spews their political ideologue on our children, no matter what the ideologue is.
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