A Bill To End Food Stamp Abuse In MI
A new bill (House Bill 5536) introduced by Republican State Rep. Tom McMillin from Rochester Hills is a new effort to stop abuse of Michigan's food stamp program.
Now the welfare recipients would have photo's on their cards and the State of Michigan would no longer allow them to take cash withdrawals from their cards. This new bill already has 12 co-sponsors
The technology is now available to have the state make direct payments to landlords, utilities, child care providers. Rep McMillin would like to see the state start utilizing that technology to stop abuse.
Rep McMillin believes this will "ensures the taxpayer funded assistance is going to help out — not (be used) for filet mignon or designer clothes. It also makes sure taxpayer money isn't going for illegal drugs and other illegal or inappropriate expenditures."
About 20% of Michigan residents are in the Food Stamp Program.