The Battle Creek Police Department is holding a free seminar on the Community Emergency Response Team. The three day seminar trains and organizes teams of volunteers that can support their communities during disasters.

The CERT Program educates individuals about disaster preparedness and trains and organizes teams of volunteers that can support their communities during disasters. The CERT Program offers training in basic disaster response skills, such   as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations.

With proper CERT training, you can help protect your family, neighbors, and co-workers if a disaster occurs. The role of a CERT volunteer is to help others until trained emergency personnel arrive.

To become a CERT volunteer, one must complete the all of the classroom training.

Friday, September 22nd - from 6-10pm*
Saturday, September 23rd - from 9-5pm*
Saturday, September 30th - from 9-5pm*
*Must attend all classes to receive Certification

How To Sign-Up:
Go To:
2-    Click on "Get Involved" Tab
3-    Click on  "Eventbright" Tab
4-    Click on " CERT"  and sign up!

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