What Restaurant Has The Best Breakfast Sandwich in Kalamazoo?
As the doctors will tell you, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, well I also happen to think its the most delicious meal of the day. One of my favorite meals in the morning is a breakfast sandwich, especially since there are so many combinations you can put together, offering a magnitude of flavors.
Obviously, there are the basic breakfast sandwiches that one might get at McDonald's, Burger King, Panera, or some other fast food or chain restaurants that serves quickly. While those sandwiches taste good and fill your stomach, we're looking for something a little bigger and with more flavor. Kalamazoo has plenty of breakfast places and some of them have top tier breakfast sandwiches.

As mentioned, Kalamazoo is no stranger to breakfast food, which means there are plenty of places indulge in a good breakfast sandwich.
Nagle's Top Dog
Located on South Burdick street, the building is hard to miss in itself, it's the only building in Kalamazoo that has a large Snoopy look-alike sitting on top. I would suggest calling ahead to order and pick up in the drive thru to save yourself time. Now, on to the good stuff, the sandwich, They have 3 different breakfast sandwiches, all of them are served on Texas toast with egg and cheese unless you specify otherwise. This sandwich comes in the greasiest bag and wax paper, but melts in your mouth when you pull it off and take a bite.
The creativity is in your choice of protein, you can choose to either have 1, 2, or 3 pieces of protein added to the sandwich. Your protein options are sausage, bacon, and ham. They call them the Breakwich, The Big Breakwich, and The Monster Breakwich. The Breakwich comes with 1 protein, the Big with 2, and the Monster with 3 proteins, and you have the option to choose whichever combination of protein you would like. I enjoy the Monster Breakwich with 2 servings of bacon and 1 serving of sausage.
Denny's may be a chain restaurant, but when it comes to breakfast sandwiches they are near the top year in and year out here in Kalamazoo. They have many different breakfast sandwiches you can choose from, but there is one in particular that hits the spot every single time. Denny's has a breakfast platter titled , "The Grand Slam", which has a plethora of food options on it. Yes, yes they did make this into a sandwich.
The Grand Slamwich screams out my name every time I sit down and take a look at the menu. It has somehow managed to take ever part of breakfast and stuff it between two pieces of bread. Denny's uses maple spice bread to hold together two scrambled eggs, cheese, bacon, sausage, and ham. You do have the option to take out the eggs and cheese and replace any protein option with another protein. This is served with a side of hash browns and is delicious.
This may not necessarily be a "sandwich" but I'm going to say it is. Michelle's is one of the few places that doesn't offer what we would traditionally believe to be a sandwich, but they do offer the sandwich's southern border cousin for you to scarf down. Michelle's makes arguably the best breakfast quesadilla I've ever had.
Like I said I don't think this is necessarily a sandwich, but you're putting things between bread and that is my definition of a sandwich. Michelle's whips up the masterpiece that's stuffed with scrambled eggs, cheese, bacon, sausage, and hash browns causing an explosion of flavor inside of your mouth.
Kalamazoo has Uncle Ernie's, Anna's Pancake house, Crow's nest and many more places just like those listed above that you can get a taste of a wonderful breakfast sandwich. I have my pick in Nagle's Top Dog as having the best sandwich in town, but there are plenty of options to choose from and possibly overtake Nagle's as the best.
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