College Professor Believes Cops ‘Need To Be Killed’
We have heard report after report about extremist and what some might call insane college professors. Well I might have one here that tops them all, at least to date.
The Washington Times is reporting about a University of California, Davis Professor named Joshua Clover who is not very fond of police officers. They point out in a column in The California Aggie newspaper, the official paper of the University, a few quotes, tweets and quotes from newspapers that shows this professor desire for all police to die.
Last month a Davis California police officer Natalie Corona was ambushed and killed by a gunmen. When the paper wrote about this incident they pointed to the past ravings of the hometown university professor.
Professor Clover tweeted back in November of 2014:
I am thankful that every living cop will one day be dead, some by their own hand, some by others, too many of old age #letsnotmakemore
The very next month he tweeted:
I mean, it’s easier to shoot cops when their backs are turned, no?
Then in a 2016 interview he stated:
People think that cops need to be reformed. They need to be killed
Have you taken notice of the years in which the paper pointed to his comments, they go as far back as 2014 and as I stated above he is still called a “Professor” at the University. Meaning he was never fired for such aggressive and violent statements.
Being a political pundit and radio talk show host I know all about the First Amendment. So yes he does have the right to verbalize those thoughts but he does not have the right for the “University” to keep him in employment at their establishment of “higher education”.
When the reporter for the University paper asked him to defend his remarks he simply stated:
I think we can all agree that the most effective way to end any violence against officers is the complete and immediate abolition of the police
Who do you think he calls or would call when he is confronted with a criminal or he is in trouble, Nancy Pelosi?
When the University of California, Davis administration was asked for a comment they read from a statement which in part said:
The UC Davis administration condemns the statement of Professor Clover…It does not reflect our institutional values and we find it unconscionable that anyone would condone much less appear to advocate murder…Public statements like those made by Professor Clover are accorded a high level of protection under the First Amendment
Yes they are protected but that does not mean you cannot fire him.
Also when the University states that “it does not reflect our institutional values” but you do not fire him I believe it does reflect your institutional values at least from the perspective of the current administration.
The UC Davis police Chief Joe Farrow stated that:
Our officers are dedicated professionals who have and will continue to rise above calls for violence against them…Nonetheless, it’s regrettable they have to endure such vile hatred. I always try to remain positive, and we are keenly aware of what’s going on in the nation with the perception of law enforcement. We try to understand the criticism and build upon that. It’s a reminder to myself that there’s a lot of work to be done.
Professor Clover was asked for comment by a local CBS affiliate, Professor Clover stated:
On the day that police have as much to fear from literature professors as Black kids do from police, I will definitely have a statement.
The problem is not only what he said but the fact that he is still on the staff of the University of California, Davis.
Always be mindful of whom you children are sitting in front of and being lectured by in their college or university.
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