Most people don't read those public notices buried in the back pages of the paper.   I usually don't.  They're usually invisible.   In fact, I think public notices exist for one important reason:  to keep small newspapers in business.

So I was leafing through the Battle Creek Shopper News this week and one public notice caught my eye.  Emmett Township is having a public hearing on Thursday March 14th at 5pm as they are on the verge of passing a new budget for the fiscal year.  So, I thought I'd re-post it here for anybody that might be interested.   I'm not sure why it caught my eye.  Probably for the same reason that stories with "Albion" in the title catch my eye lately.

Public Notice Emmett Township Budget
Public Notice Emmett Township Budget

Ok, if those big numbers are a little hard to read, you can hit CTRL and + on your keyboard and zoom in, or pick up Thursday's Battle Creek Shopper.  You should anyway, there's a lot of good stuff in there.   Page 34, by the way.

Here's a pdf of the notice.  Emmett Township Budget Notice 3-7-2019

If you're like me, you're probably muttering to yourself,  "Man, I'm in the wrong business!"


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