Emmett Township Board Kills Wage Study; Approves DDA Study
Emmett Wage Study Voted Down
A proposed wage study for Emmett Township won’t happen after the idea was voted down at Thursday’s board meeting. Township Supervisor Deb Belles had proposed the idea at a July meeting, to get an idea of how salaries and wages in Emmett compared to other townships. Belles estimated that they have about 80 employees. Chief Ken Cunningham said the study would have included everybody from firefighters, to law enforcement to secretaries, committee members, and even Supervisor Belles.
Belles said, “A study would show if we’re at a competitive wage if we’re good where we are, or even overpaid.” Belles said the reason that wage study was proposed was twofold. "First, two elected officials requested a $13K raise at a previous board meeting," said Belles. "Second, staff was questioning how wages were being determined for each position."
But at the August 12th Emmett Township Board of Trustees Meeting, the motion to proceed with the wage study was defeated by a vote of 4-3. Trustees Jim Mead and Dick Brown, Treasurer Rachelle Myers, and Clerk Tracy Myers voted against the wage study.
Belles said previously that the study would have cost the Township $18,000 and that three firms were being considered, including Municipal Consulting Services, LLC. She said the money would not have come out of the general fund. “The marijuana excise tax that we received, it would come out of that so taxpayers' dollars would not be used for that.”
Emmett DDA Study in the Works
One study that will move forward in Emmett Township is the possible formation of a Downtown Development Authority. At the August 12th meeting, a “Corridor Impact Report” was given by Township Attorney Robert Thall.
The Downtown Development Authority Act was created in part to correct and prevent the deterioration of business districts. It also would promote economic growth and revitalization, encourage historic preservation, and authorize the acquisition and disposal of interests in real and personal property.
Under the act, a community can capture property taxes that would otherwise have been paid to entities such as the library, community college, and county, and instead use them for public improvements in targeted areas.
All 7 board members voted to form a committee to study the formation of a Downtown Development Authority. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) would be designed to be a catalyst in the development of a community’s downtown district.
First Reading of Noise Ordinance
The board also heard the first reading of a noise ordinance. The ordinance would regulate a lot, from the playing of radios and TVs to musical instruments, generators, and even animals. A first offense could cost a resident $125.00. The second and third offenses would rise to $300.00 and $500.00. You can read the proposed noise ordinance by clicking on the link below.
Emmett Township Proposed Noise Ordinance