Franke Center Cancels Shows including Ice, Wine, Beer and Blues Festival
Like many hopeful arts and entertainment organizations, the Franke Center for the Arts in Marshall is planning for the best, but making adjustments as needed. The Center announced changes in their season today, including this winter's Ice, Wine, Beer and Blues Festival.
"We knew going into this season we might face some schedule changes due to the pandemic. Just like you, we’re staying flexible. And we’re doing our best to keep the arts alive in our community while keeping you, our friends, as safe as possible."
Here are the latest schedule updates for the 2020-21 season:
SADIE BASS – concert rescheduled to April 17th. If you already have tickets for the Nov. 21st show and want to go on April 17th, you don’t have to do anything – your tickets will automatically work for the new date. If you have tickets for Nov. 21st and can’t make it to the April show, no problem. Just contact our box office at 269-781-0001 and we’ll be happy to offer you a refund. Want to buy tickets for the April show? Click here.
BOB MILNE – concert cancelled. You can either contact the box office at 269-781-0001 to request a refund or let us know that you’d like to waive your refund and donate the value of the tickets to The Franke Center.
ICE, WINE, BEER, AND BLUES featuring Matt Schofield – event and concert cancelled. You can either contact the box office at 269-781-0001 to request a refund or let us know that you’d like to waive your refund and donate the value of the tickets to The Franke Center.
MATILDA THE MUSICAL – Auditions postponed. Keep checking TheFranke.org for updates.
As you can imagine, the pandemic shutdown and the lost ticket revenue that came with it have made it very difficult for venues like the Franke Center to keep operating. If you’d like to make a donation to The Franke Center, you can do so here.

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