King’s Battle Creek Visit Remembered
Four years before the historic civil rights March to Washington, D.C., the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. visited Battle Creek, and three years later, he visited Albion.
There's a great recounting of those visits in the Battle Creek Enquirer, written by Natasha Blakely and Noe Hernandez.
Battle Creek historian Kurt Thornton provided some of the photos and information in the Enquirer Article, and shown here.
Thornton says he came across the color photo by chance in 2003.
My favorite is the picture of Dr. King at a folding card table in the living room of the First United Methodist Church's parsonage on Orchard. It was taken prior to Dr. King's sermon at the church. Reverend Evan's children (David and Linda), along with Reverend Bigby are seen in this candid photo that was given to me in 2003, at a remembrance service recognizing Dr. King.