Large Rally In Support Of Muslims, Refugees Held In Bronson Park
A large rally was held in Kalamazoo's Bronson Park on Sunday, in support of immigrants and refugees, along with Muslim residents.
MLive reports that several hundred community members attended the event, with signs carrying slogans like "#NoBanNoWall" and "Proud to be a Muslim American". The majority of signs were like this, although others targeted President Trump and members of his administration.
The rally also saw several prominent members of the community, including Western Michigan University President John Dunn and Portage Mayor Pro Tem Nasim Ansari.
The main focus of the rally was executive orders carried out recently by President Donald Trump, including one that bars those from 7-majority Muslim countries from entering America for 90-days, stops the US refugee program for 120-days, and indefinitely blocks Syrians from entering the country.
That EO was halted last week by a federal Judge in Seattle, but the Trump Administration is working to get it reinstated.