Marxist Professor Rakes In the Dough
Am I wrong to think if you believe in Marxism, which was the basis of communism, that you would not ask to be paid $116,000 more than the average Wisconsin family.
The Daily Caller is reporting on Erik Olin Wright who is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and teaches a course titled “Class, State, and Ideology: An Introduction to Social Science in the Marxist Tradition.”
For teaching a class that believes that capitalism creates “a world of great misery, inequality and oppression” that “is irrational in ways that hurt nearly everyone" he asked or was offered to be paid $170,000 a year.
In fact he writes in his syllabus that capitalism “generates harms” and “generates injustices” which “can be broadly grouped under three rubrics: exploitation, domination and irrationality.”
Interesting that he speaks of generating harm when he and other professors at his college get paid so highly they are certainly causing monetary harm for those students.
Now remember Marxism does not believe that one person should make more than
another person. Also remember that for him and other professors to charge that
much the poor students must pay or borrow quite a bit of money.
Per the Daily Caller article:
While an average middle-class family in Wisconsin survives on $4,491 per month (before taxes), the Marxist professor enjoys a cushy monthly income of $14,166.
Is it disingenuous for me to think this way or disingenuous for him to reap such monetary rewards for teaching that capitalism "is irrational in ways that hurt nearly everyone"
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