Michigan Company May Have Found The COVID-19 Treatment
As we wait for the stay-at-home order to be rescinded, thoughts turn to what our world will be like in the present, near future and beyond. We will certainly have to continue social distancing, we'll probably be wearing masks and many of the things that existed before will no longer. In addition, many of the ordinary things may become luxuries. We will continue to live with doubt and fear until a cure is found. Well, a Michigan company may have found a treatment at least.
I saw on freep.com that a Michigan company called Sci-Tech Development LLC has created a delivery system for a new drug that was previously used in anticancer therapy. it's called naoFenretinide which comes from a drug Johnson & Johnson developed 30 years ago called Fenretinide. The new drug isn't a cure but it decreases inflamation and our body's reaction to the virus that causes the fever and chills. the company is said to be raring to go and could turn this around inabout 10 weeks once it's approved.