My Trek Across The Mackinac Bridge
I took a long weekend trip with my wife to do something I have never done as a Michigander. That was to take the annual walk across the Mackinac Bridge, this year was the 62nd annual walk. There was my wife, myself and approximately 30,000 other people. Some people came from as close as Mackinac City and as far as Australia.
How many of us Michigander’s actually take the time to vacation in our beautiful state instead of believing that we must go outside of the state to consider it a vacation. Many of us Michigander’s choose the eastern shores of the United States or Florida instead plenty of beautiful places right here in Michigan to spend our down time with our families.
We woke up early and got to the bridge about 30 minutes before they let anyone on the bridge to begin their adventure. It was interesting to feel the excitement of everyone around us ready to walk and when the time finally came, 7 am, we were off to the races.
There were people dressed up in costumes and others wearing jackets with patches of each year they crossed the bridge. People were in a great mood and very friendly. There were people of all ages who were walking, running, some pushing strollers and wheelchairs.
The scenery was just as beautiful as you might image and we were even their early enough to see the sunrise over the horizon while walking across the bridge.
I would definitely recommend that you schedule in your 2020 calendar a trip of your own to walk the Mackinac Bridge next Labor Day Monday September 7, 2020.