Last Friday I interviewed a former Michigander and son of a listener of mine by the name of Derek Christensen.  Derek saw the move to the extreme left by most of the media including the Drudge Report, so instead of complaining about it, he decided to do something about it.

What did he do?  He created his own news site to directly compete against the others including the Drudge Report and called it Eagle Slant.

First a little about Derek:

  • He is from Kalamazoo, Michigan and when he was younger he joined the Army as an intelligence analyst.
  • He previously worked at the Kalamazoo Gazette on the customer service and logistics side.
  • His position in the Army included a stint in a unit focused on Information Operations.
  • After the Army he worked at the Pentagon in public affairs, working with DC media and military organizations.

In our discussion, he informed us of what he saw and is currently seeing in the media is what he saw in his time in the military.  This included similarities between the information operations world and our private media.  Including Disinformation, OPSEC, Military deception, psychological operations, public affairs.

He explains to us why he started his Eagle Slant news site.  I also asked him what makes Eagle Slant different than other sites.

Check out our interview and see what he thinks about our current media atmosphere:


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