Polls Are Open Until 8 pm Today, May 4th
It’s Election Day in Calhoun County if you live in the City of Albion, Leroy Township, the Battle Creek Public School District, or the Lakeview School District.
Chief Deputy Clerk of Elections, Teri Loew said in-person voting at 22 precincts in Calhoun County is available until 8 p.m. “A list of precinct locations is posted on our 2021 Election’s webpage. “
Loew said voters will see a small ballot today containing just one or two local proposals. Proposal language for all 5 districts can also be found on the county’s 2021 Election webpage.
“You may also View Your Sample Ballot online before going to the polls. Check it out at www.mi.gov/vote. Enter your information in the required fields then click the green VIEW the ballot button. “
Loew said if you are not registered at your current residence and have resided there 30 days or more, you can visit your local clerk’s office (or for the City of Albion) today before 8:00p to register and obtain an absentee ballot.
Voters are encouraged to wear a face-covering when entering the precinct and remember to take your photo ID with you today. Here is some additional Election Day Voter Information.
A few voters in the county will consider a KRESA (Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency) issue
UNOFFICIAL SPECIAL ELECTION RESULTS will be reported after the polls close on Election Night. Results will be updated throughout the night until all 22 Calhoun County precincts including absentee votes have been reported and 100% appear.
(Note: precinct and absent voter counting board results may be sent to the County at different times; so partial results may appear in a precinct without showing 100% reported; all 22 precincts have separate absent voter counting boards.) Click ‘Detailed Results’ to see which precincts have reported: white indicates precinct has not reported, yellow means precinct is partially reported (as explained above), and green means all results for the precinct have reported. Again, unofficial results are not complete until 100% appears!
When 100% reporting is listed these figures will include all absentee votes cast. Provisional Votes, if any, will be tabulated within 6 days following the election.
Loew hopes you’ll remind others to insure a good voter turnout. “Feel free to pass this on to coworkers, constituents, family, and friends. Remember voting is a privilege, exercise your right to vote on this Election Day, Tuesday, May 4, 2021! “