Stickers on Tekonsha Area Mailboxes Have the Community on Edge
Are these stickers just a simple marker for paper delivery or could it be something more? That's what members of the Tekonsha community want to know.
Over the weekend, members of the Village of Tekonsha began finding little circular orange stickers with a handwritten letter 'A' on them placed on area mailboxes. Stickers like these have been used for many years to show newspaper delivery drivers where to leave a newspaper. What's concerning is that some of these homes do not receive any local newspapers.

While it doesn't take long for the rumor mill to distort facts of a situation, it is worth noting that there are unconfirmed reports of homeowners finding their front and or backdoors open as well.
Some of those concerned with the stickers have asked their United States Postal Service carrier about the sticker only to learn that they have no idea where it came from. A few Tekonsha residents noted their postal carrier advised them to contact area law enforcement about the mystery.
A similar story involving stickers on vehicle windshields spread like wildfire in Louisiana. Luckily, the stickers proved to be a harmless way for automobile dealerships to note which vehicles have received which service.
We have reached out to Calhoun County Sheriff Steve Hinkley for comment. At this time Sheriff Hinkley says he is aware and that his deputies are investigating.
Representatives with the local Ad-visor & Chronicle say that they do use orange stickers to note when a customer has ceased delivery service but, that if you have not called to end delivery for their paper that it is not their sticker.
While these stickers may prove to be as harmless as the ones in Louisiana, until it is known for sure, residents should keep an eye out for any suspicious activity and notify area law enforcement when they do see questionable activity.
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